Hi there, reader!

Thanks for opening up this week's Riverwood News & Notes. You are in for a treat! This week's Notes portion is written by our Kids Creek director, Bridget Pavelec, who will help us contemplate what it means to "accept one another."

Then be sure to glance at the News portion after Bridget's article as we have a couple of important items you'll want to know. And as always, thanks for reading!

Accept One Another

Hey, Hey Riverwood. Welcome to the first full week of summer! This week, as we continue our One Another series, we are talking about the biblical phrase “accept one another.” But I don’t want to simply talk about the modern definition of “acceptance” (the way it’s used in our current culture), but the way it is used in the true word of God.

Acceptance, by definition, means “the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered. (New Oxford American Dictionary) Christ’s death on the cross was the only offering God would accept in payment for our sin. And because of Jesus' perfect obedience (Philippians 2:8), God welcomes us into His family.

Because of this Divine acceptance, Paul says:

“Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.”

Notice in that verse how acceptance is two-fold.

First, God accepts you because He wants a relationship with you. You may have been rejected, ridiculed, or even abandoned by some people, but God gladly opens His arms to you when you confess your sins and accept Him as your Savior. Have you accepted Christ? If you are still unsure, I implore you to seek counsel, read your Bible, and search for the answers that would lead you to accept the free gift of salvation.
If you have accepted Christ, think about how beautiful the gospel is. Even with all your sins, failures, and faults, God still wanted you, pursued you, and accepted you. But that leads to the second aspect of acceptance: When you experience the glorious overflow of God's grace poured upon you and into you, it should overflow out of you. You are called to accept others like Christ accepts you.
Are you accepting of others wherever you go? Or do you force people to conform to your standards or preferences? God’s welcoming grace and acceptance cannot be contained. We are to receive others in spite of our differences. When we do this, the praise rises to God.

Keep in mind, Romans 15:7 is aimed at the Jesus-follower to give acceptance to other Jesus-followers. So, as believers, our love for Christ should be greater than any differences we possess. We should desire our brothers and sisters in Christ to be unified with us in the body.

When we remind ourselves of what Jesus did for us, then any differences we might encounter among other believers are often trivial. God calls us into one body and one fellowship (Ephesians 4:4), so we need to cast off our differences and live together with Christ as the center.

This call to accept one another should lead us to listen to others and love others. That does not mean we have to agree or approve of everything they do or say. But it should drive us to introduce them to our saving God or remind them of Him who loves and accepts them right where they are, so HE can transform them into the image of Jesus.

So, who is He bringing into your life to accept? Who is He inviting you to welcome to your table? Take the time to get to know the people you encounter in your life, share the gospel, and accept them so God can receive the praise!
Bridget Pavelec, Kids Creek Director
Bridget Pavlec

Vacation Bible School

Have you registered your kids for our Community VBS yet? Or signed up to volunteer? We are also looking for people who can help contribute some snack items. Coming soon: June 26-29 from 6-8pm!

Youth Mission Trip

This summer, Pastor Erin will be taking 3 of the high school youth on a missions trip to North Minneapolis where they will serve alongside Patrick Ray for a weekend. Please consider supporting them with your prayers or by donating here.

Food Pantry

Mark your calendars and sign up here if you can volunteer on Tuesday, June 13 at the mobile Food Pantry, located in the Waverly Civic Center. Setup begins at 4:30pm, and distribution begins at 5:30pm.

Riverwood Hangout

Invite some friends and come hang out with your Riverwood family on Tuesday, June 20 at the City Park in Denver. We'll start at 6 pm for some playground and splash pad fun! There is a big shelter area with tables for those who just want to sit and chat 🙂 Ice cream will be provided.