Loving (Deeper Friendships #3)

Sermon Synopsis

Welcome to Riverwood! Today, we are wrapping up our Deeper Friendship series with a powerful message on the power of love in friendships. In this video, Erin and his fellow speakers dive deep into the concept of love and how it can transform our relationships.

The Importance of Love in Friendships

Erin starts off by discussing the importance of involving kids in sermons and using icebreakers for Bible study. He shares a personal story about a special K cereal incident and how teasing someone can have a lasting impact. Erin emphasizes that some people withdraw when teased, while others laugh along with everyone else. He highlights the power of love and how it can make us feel comfortable and cared for, just like in a team sport like wrestling.

Jesus' Love for Peter

The conversation then shifts to the story of Jesus and Peter in the book of John. Erin explains that Jesus asked Peter if he loved him three times, each time using a different word for love. This structure in the story shows the different types of love and how they can impact our relationships. Erin points out that John often uses synonyms in his gospel, and love is no exception.

Loving Gracefully and Justly

Erin goes on to discuss the importance of loving gracefully and justly. He explains that grace is a gift from God and should be given freely, even in the face of hurt and betrayal. Erin shares a personal story about his father showing grace when he accidentally ran into the garage door, and how that act of love deepened their relationship. He emphasizes that giving grace can draw others closer and lead to deeper friendships.

Erin also touches on the concept of justice and how it is intertwined with love. He explains that loving justly means wanting things to be made right and coming alongside others to help them live justly. Sometimes, loving justly means absorbing injustice and taking it upon ourselves, just as Jesus did on the cross. Erin acknowledges that loving justly can be challenging, but it is necessary for true love and deep friendships.

Loving Abundantly

Lastly, Erin discusses the importance of loving abundantly. He shares that in our world, it is common to cancel someone when they make a mistake, but Jesus doesn't do that. Instead, Jesus fully restores Peter and loves him abundantly. Erin encourages us to love abundantly and fully, with grace and justice. He reminds us that God takes our relationships to beautiful places and that we can experience that through prayer and seeking guidance from Him.


In conclusion, love is the foundation of deep and meaningful friendships. By loving gracefully, justly, and abundantly, we can create lasting connections with others. It is through love that we can experience transformation and bring glory and joy to our relationships. So let us strive to be people who love abundantly and fully, just as Jesus loves us.

If you want to dive deeper into this topic, we encourage you to watch the full video and engage in a conversation with God. Remember, communion is a time to reflect on God's love for us and to remember the sacrifice Jesus made for our sins. Take communion in remembrance of Christ and allow His love to guide your friendships.

Let us pray for love, friendship, and unity in the church, and ask God to transform us into loving people. May we seek wisdom in difficult relationships and have the grace to forgive and love fully. And may we always remember that God loves us abundantly and calls us to love others in the same way.

In Jesus' name, amen.

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