BE With Jesus

August 8, 2024

The twelve young men Jesus chose to be his first cohort of disciples weren't exactly the cream of the crop. They were just ordinary men. Yet, it was through these very average guys Jesus began a life-changing movement.

In Acts 4, two of these uneducated commoners (Peter and John) were arrested for talking about Jesus' resurrection inside the temple court. They were hauled before the Jewish high council, and asked to explain themselves. To everyone's surprise, Peter responded to their antagonistic questions with boldness. The members of the council were used to people quavering before their positional power. So they were shocked that this former fisherman, who hadn't gone through their theological education system, could speak so eloquently and bravely.

Luke, the author of Acts, gives us insight as to the key to Peter's courage...

"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus." (Acts 4:13, ESV, emphasis added)

Listening to the teaching of Jesus for three years, as well as watching His ways, had fundamentally changed Peter and John (and the rest of the original cohort). They no longer saw themselves as common, uneducated fishermen. They saw themselves as being like Jesus because they had been with Jesus.

Be With Jesus • Riverwood Church

Too often, Christians think the key to their sanctification is more information. But your journey to Christlikeness doesn't begin with more knowledge; it begins with Jesus.

BEgin with Jesus

Here are four ideas of how you can "begin" with Christ in order to be with Him each day...

1. BEgin with prayer

Just as the first disciples were in a rabbi-disciple relationship with Jesus, if you follow Jesus, you are in a relationship with Him as well. So start each day talking to Jesus.

2. BEgin with Confession

As you talk with Jesus in prayer, confess any sins the Holy Spirit brings to mind.

3. BEgin with Surrender

After you confess, surrender your time, your day, your desires, and your plans in prayer, asking God to work in you and through you.

4. BEgin with Scripture

Just as Jesus taught His disciples the ways of God, He continues to teach His followers today through the Bible. So after talking to Jesus through prayer, find time to hear from Jesus through His Word.

In order to become more like Jesus, you need to be with Jesus. So take a moment right now to be with your Savior.

Erin Bird Lead Pastor - Riverwood Church

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Riverwood Church, Waverly Iowa

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