BEcome Like Jesus

August 29, 2024

Years ago, while speaking to a group of young adults on the topic of becoming like Christ, I asked for a volunteer. When Dan, the willing participant, stood next to me on stage, I asked him if there was any famous person he would like to meet. My one parameter on the “who” was that almost everyone in the room had to know who the person was. To my surprise, Dan chose Billy Graham, who was still alive at the time.

I then asked Dan to imagine he had just been cast in the lead role for a major motion picture on the life of the famous evangelist. If he had one month before filming started to prepare for the role, what would he do?

“Well, I’d probably read some biographies about his life. I’d also probably see if I couldn’t meet Billy and talk with him, that way I could hear his stories firsthand and pick up on some of his qualities and quirks. And while I’m at it, I’d probably talk with his family and those who know him well to see what they could tell me about him.”

How to Become More Like Jesus

Become Like Jesus • Riverwood Church

As we've been seeing in this BE Like Jesus series, God's goal is for His people to reflect the character of His Son, Jesus Christ. In other words, just as Dan was going to portray Billy Graham in an imaginary film, we are to portray Jesus in this "film" called Life. And I think it would be wise to follow a similar plan as Dan’s.


One of the first things Dan said was he would read some biographies on the life of Billy. Thankfully, humanity has been given an amazing treasure of four biographies of Jesus: the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But that's not all! The entirety of Scripture allows us to learn about the whole of Christ. Why do I say that?

In Mark 1:22, we learn that the people who heard Jesus teach remarked that he taught with an authority the experts in the law seemed to lack. Look at that word “authority.” Notice the first part of the word? Author! Jesus taught the Scriptures with authority because he was the author! So as we read all of Scripture, we are getting to know the One behind it all.

Talk with Him

Dan then said to portray the Reverend Graham in a film, he’d want to talk with Billy if possible. Likewise, if we are to portray Christ to those around us, we should talk with him!

God ripped the curtain to the Holy of Holies when Christ breathed his last (Mark 15:37-38), signifying that we can come into God’s holy presence, approaching the throne of grace with confidence, because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice (Hebrews 4:16 and 10:19). In other words, God wants you to come into His presence! So let us talk with God in prayer, knowing that as we speak with Him, He will mold and shape us into the likeness of Jesus.

Talk with Others

Lastly, just as Dan wisely said he’d interview people who knew Billy Graham to prepare him for his imaginary role, I think we should talk with people who know Jesus. As we fellowship in a biblical way, being held accountable, and fulfilling the “one anothers” of Scripture, we will regularly be encouraged to think and behave like Christ. (Hebrews 10:24-25)

If you aren’t already part of a Growth Group, now is the perfect time to join one or help us start one. (We'll be talking about this more next Thursday in this space, as well as the first two Sundays of September.) To get connected, simply send Jake an email indicating your interest.

Don't Forget the Goal

As we conclude this post and series, let me remind you that the goal in sanctification isn't just to ascertain more knowledge or live a more moral life. The goal is to be more and more like Christ in word, thought, and deed. So as you read Scripture, as you pray, and as you connect with fellow Jesus-followers, may your focus remain on Jesus Himself, the One who gave His life to radically save you and fundamentally change you. To Him be the glory forever and ever!

Erin Bird Lead Pastor - Riverwood Church

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Riverwood Church, Waverly Iowa

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