How to Grow (Mature in Christ #1)

Sermon Synopsis

In a world filled with different ideas and beliefs, it can be challenging to know what it truly means to follow Jesus. Many churches and individuals have different interpretations of what it means to be a Christian and how to live out our faith. However, in Matthew 28, Jesus gives us a clear command that should be at the forefront of our minds and actions: to make disciples of all nations.

As Erin, the teaching pastor at Riverwood, shares in a recent sermon, many people have been given the wrong scorecard when it comes to their spiritual journey. They have been told that being a good person, doing good works, or following a set of rules is enough to earn favor with God. But Jesus reveals a different scorecard, one that focuses on making disciples.

The Two R's: Relationship and Resources

To effectively make disciples, Erin emphasizes the importance of two key elements: relationship and resources. These two aspects work hand in hand to help individuals grow in their faith and become mature followers of Christ.


Relationships are at the core of discipleship. Erin encourages individuals to join growth groups, where they can connect with other believers and grow together in their faith. These groups provide a space for iron to sharpen iron, where individuals can support and encourage one another on their spiritual journey.

For those who are new believers or seeking to deepen their faith, Riverwood offers a one-on-one discipleship course. This course allows individuals to be discipled by more mature believers who can guide them in their walk with Christ. It's an opportunity to ask questions, learn the basics of the Christian faith, and develop a strong foundation for their spiritual journey.


In addition to relationships, resources play a vital role in discipleship. Riverwood provides a list of resources for individuals at different stages of their spiritual journey. These resources cover a range of topics, including Bible study, prayer, baptism, and more. The goal is to equip individuals with the tools they need to grow in their relationship with God and become effective disciple-makers.

While the list of resources may seem overwhelming, Erin encourages individuals to start with one resource and dive deep into it. It's not about consuming all the resources at once, but rather taking small steps towards growth and maturity in Christ.

Becoming Disciples Who Make Disciples

The ultimate goal of discipleship is not just personal growth, but also the ability to disciple others. Erin emphasizes the importance of being a disciple who makes disciples. This involves investing in others, walking alongside them in their faith journey, and helping them grow in their relationship with God.

Whether you're just starting your spiritual journey or have been following Christ for years, there is always room to grow and make disciples. Riverwood is committed to helping individuals at every stage of their faith, providing the necessary support, resources, and relationships to foster spiritual growth.

So, let us embrace the command of Jesus to make disciples. Let us prioritize relationships and resources as we seek to become disciples who make disciples. Together, we can impact the world with the transformative power of the gospel and bring glory to God.

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