Listening (Deeper Friendships #2)

Sermon Synopsis

In today's fast-paced world, it can be easy to overlook the importance of truly listening to others. We often find ourselves distracted, preoccupied with our own thoughts and concerns. But as followers of Christ, we are called to a higher standard of love and compassion. In the book of Luke, we find a powerful example of listening in the story of Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood (Luke 8:40-48). Through this story, we can learn valuable lessons about the power of listening and how it can impact our relationships and our faith.

Listening with Your Ears

The first lesson we can learn from this story is the importance of listening with our ears. When we ask someone a question, it is crucial that we truly listen to their response. This means giving them our full attention, putting aside distractions, and actively engaging in the conversation. Jesus demonstrated this kind of attentive listening when he stopped the crowd and asked, 'Who touched me?' He was fully present in the moment, listening intently to the woman's story.

Listening with Your Eyes

In addition to listening with our ears, we must also listen with our eyes. Nonverbal cues can often reveal more about a person's thoughts and feelings than their words alone. Jesus showed the woman that he truly saw her, that she mattered to him. We can follow his example by maintaining eye contact, leaning in, and using our body language to convey our attentiveness and care.

Listening with Your Full Presence

Listening with our full presence means being fully engaged in the conversation, both physically and mentally. It means setting aside our own agenda and truly being there for the other person. Jesus exemplified this kind of presence when he stopped everything to listen to the woman's story, despite the urgency of Jairus' request. We can follow his example by being fully present in our conversations, resisting the urge to multitask or let our minds wander.

Listening with Your Words

Finally, we must listen with our words. Our words have the power to encourage, uplift, and affirm others. Jesus used his words to show the woman that she was loved, valued, and restored. We can follow his example by using our words to build others up, to let them know that they are seen, heard, and cared for. By speaking words of encouragement and affirmation, we can create an atmosphere of love and acceptance in our relationships.


The story of Jesus and the woman with the issue of blood reminds us of the transformative power of listening. When we truly listen to others, we communicate love, value, and acceptance. We create space for healing, restoration, and growth. As followers of Christ, let us strive to be people who listen well, who are fully present in our conversations, and who use our words to build others up. In doing so, we can reflect the love of Christ and make a positive impact on the lives of those around us.

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