Right Rewarded with Wrong (Esther #3)

Sermon Synopsis

In life, we often strive to do what is right, to make a positive impact, and to live according to our values. However, there are times when our efforts to do good are met with disappointment, rejection, or even hostility. It can be disheartening when our intentions are misunderstood or when we face adversity for standing up for what we believe in. In this blog post, we will explore the story of Mordecai from the Book of Esther and draw lessons on how to navigate these challenging situations.

Uncovering a Plot

Mordecai, a government official, uncovers a plot to assassinate the king. He takes action to save the king's life, but his heroic act goes unnoticed and unacknowledged. Sometimes, when we do what is right, our reward may be nothing more than the satisfaction of knowing we did the right thing. It is important to remember that our ultimate goal should be to bring glory to God, not to seek recognition or praise from others.

Refusing to Bow Down

When Mordecai refuses to bow down to Hmon, the second-in-command, he faces the wrath of Hmon, who seeks to destroy not only Mordecai but the entire Jewish population. Mordecai's refusal is not a result of jealousy or pride but rather a deep-rooted conviction that he cannot bow down to someone who seeks to harm his people. In a world that is increasingly hostile towards matters of faith, we may find ourselves facing similar challenges. It is crucial to remember that we are seen by God, and He is a God of justice. Even when we are rewarded with wrong, we can trust that God sees our hearts and will bring justice in due time.

Crying Out to God

In the face of adversity, Mordecai and the Jewish people cry out to God. They mourn, fast, and seek solace in their faith. When we encounter difficulties or when our efforts to do right are met with wrong, we must turn to God in prayer. He is our shield, our sustainer, and our comforter. By crying out to God, we acknowledge our dependence on Him and invite Him to work in our lives.


Navigating situations where doing right is rewarded with wrong can be challenging and disheartening. However, by following Mordecai's example, we can find strength and hope in God. We must cry out to Him, remembering that He sees our hearts and is a God of justice. Let us continue to do what is right, not seeking recognition or praise from others but seeking to bring glory to God. In doing so, we can trust that He will guide us and bring about justice in His perfect timing.

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