Trusting Through the Tension (Esther #5)

Sermon Synopsis

In life, we often find ourselves facing tense moments where we don't know what the future holds. These moments can be filled with uncertainty, fear, and anxiety. But as we learn from the story of Esther, it is in these moments that we are reminded of our need for God and the importance of trusting Him.

The Tense Moments in Esther's Story

The story of Esther is filled with tense moments. From the threat of genocide against the Jewish people to the personal struggles of Esther and Mordecai, the tension is palpable. But it is in these moments that we see God's hand at work, orchestrating events and bringing about His purposes.

One of the key tense moments in the story is when Esther approaches the king without being summoned, risking her life in the process. She puts her trust in God, knowing that He is in control and that He will guide her steps. And indeed, God gives her favor with the king, leading to a series of events that ultimately save the Jewish people.

Lessons in Trusting God

As we reflect on the story of Esther, there are several lessons we can learn about trusting God in tense moments:

  1. Remember that God is in control: Even when we can't see the future, we can trust that God is in control. He has a plan and a purpose for our lives, and He will guide us through difficult times.
  2. Seek God's guidance: In moments of uncertainty, it is important to seek God's guidance through prayer and reading His Word. He will provide the wisdom and direction we need.
  3. Have faith in God's faithfulness: God has proven Himself faithful time and time again throughout history. We can trust that He will be faithful to us as well, even in the midst of tense moments.
  4. Find hope in God's promises: God has made promises to His people, and He always keeps His promises. We can find hope in knowing that God is working all things together for our good.
  5. Surrender to God's plan: Sometimes, trusting God means surrendering our own plans and desires. We must be willing to let go and trust that God's plan is better than our own.

Applying the Lessons to Our Lives

The story of Esther teaches us that trusting God in tense moments is not always easy, but it is necessary. As we face our own tense moments, we can apply these lessons to our lives:

  • Pray and seek God's guidance: In moments of uncertainty, turn to God in prayer and seek His guidance. He will provide the wisdom and direction you need.
  • Remember God's faithfulness: Reflect on the times when God has been faithful in your life and in the lives of others. This will give you hope and confidence in His faithfulness in the present and future.
  • Trust in God's plan: Surrender your own plans and desires to God and trust that His plan is better. Even if you can't see the outcome, trust that God is working all things together for your good.
  • Find strength in community: Surround yourself with a community of believers who can support and encourage you in your faith. Lean on them for prayer, guidance, and accountability.
  • Hold on to hope: Even in the midst of tense moments, hold on to the hope that comes from knowing God. He is with you, and He will never leave you.


Trusting God in tense moments is not always easy, but it is essential for our faith and growth. The story of Esther reminds us that God is in control, and He is faithful to His promises. As we face our own tense moments, let us remember to seek God's guidance, trust in His plan, and hold on to the hope that comes from knowing Him. In doing so, we can find peace and strength in the midst of uncertainty.

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