Why the Focus on Spiritual Growth (Mature in Christ #2)

Sermon Synopsis

In this blog post, we will explore the significance of discipleship and maturity in Christ, based on a powerful sermon delivered by Ed Pavlich. Ed emphasizes the head, heart, and hands model of discipleship, highlighting the need for warning and teaching in the Christian faith.

The Head, Heart, and Hands Model

Ed introduces the head, heart, and hands model of discipleship, which focuses on the growth of believers in Christ. He explains that discipleship is not just about knowing doctrine or performing certain actions, but rather about becoming mature in Christ.

The head represents the knowledge and understanding of Christ's work and teachings. Ed emphasizes the importance of studying God's word and seeking wisdom to present everyone mature in Christ.

The heart signifies the encouragement and love that believers should have for one another. Ed highlights the need for warnings and admonishments, delivered with tears and genuine care, to protect and guide fellow believers.

The hands symbolize the actions and works that flow from a mature faith. Ed encourages believers to not settle for mediocrity but to strive for a deeper understanding of God's word and a closer walk with Christ.

The Importance of Warning and Teaching

Ed emphasizes the significance of both warning and teaching in the Christian faith. He explains that warnings are necessary to protect believers from falling into sin and deception. These warnings are not meant to be judgmental or arbitrary, but rather to provide a hedge of protection and guidance.

Teaching, on the other hand, involves unfolding the scriptures and helping believers understand the deeper truths of God's word. Ed encourages believers to take their role as teachers seriously, as they have the opportunity to disciple others and help them grow in their faith.

Discipleship for Everyone

Ed emphasizes that discipleship is not limited to a select few, but is for every believer. He encourages believers to view every person they encounter as a divine appointment, an opportunity to minister and disciple.

Ed urges believers to not accept mediocrity in their own lives or in the lives of others. He reminds them of the infinite nature of God and the endless depths of understanding that can be found in Christ.

Taking Action in Love

Ed concludes his sermon by urging believers to take action in love. He reminds them that God desires no one to perish and that they have a responsibility to minister to those God has placed in their lives.

He encourages believers to view their role as leaders, whether in a formal position or simply as a believer walking alongside others. He emphasizes the importance of patience, wisdom, and understanding in ministering to others.

Ed concludes by reminding believers of the incredible gift of communion, a time to remember Christ's sacrifice and the unity of believers in Christ.

In Conclusion

Ed's sermon highlights the importance of discipleship and maturity in Christ. He emphasizes the head, heart, and hands model of discipleship, urging believers to take warning and teaching seriously.

He encourages believers to view every person as a divine appointment and to take action in love, ministering to others and helping them grow in their faith.

As we reflect on Ed's powerful sermon, let us strive for maturity in Christ and embrace our role as disciples and leaders in the body of Christ.

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