Making the Most of Holy Week(end)

March 24, 2016

In case you didn't realize it, we are coming to the end of Holy Week. This is the week any Christians remember several events involving Jesus, from the Triumphal Entry to the Resurrection. But as a non-liturgical church, it might be easy for us to just continue to be caught up in day-to-day events. How can we get the most of out this week?

Here are a few ideas. Pick one or two, and let it carry you through the weekend in preparation for Sunday's Easter celebration:

1. Read Scripture

Let the Bible carry you through the events of this week. If you've gotten away from your Bible Reading Plan, this is a great time to pick it back up. Or if you've been faithfully sticking to your plan, add in a few extra passages from the Gospels that remind you of what Jesus went through for your sake.

If you need some help, try out this Lenten Bible Reading Plan from and read days 37-40.

2. Go to a Good Friday service.

Even though Riverwood is not hosting a Good Friday service, consider attend a Good Friday service at a different local church, and be reminded that all Jesus followers are part of THE Church.

3. Host a Good Friday "service."

Rather than go to an organized worship gathering, perhaps you could host a "service" in your home. After dinner, simply read Scripture about the arrest and death of Jesus, take communion, and spend some time in prayer.

4. Watch a film about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

If you tend to be a visual person, perhaps you could take some time to watch a film like the brutal The Passion of the Christ or the recent Son of God to remind you of what Jesus went through to pay for our sin. Or if you want to include the kids, watch the excellent The Miracle Maker.

5. Fast

Another idea is to fast (abstain from something for the purpose of seeking God) from Good Friday until Easter. Perhaps you could choose to let no food touch your lips until we partake of the communion elements on Sunday morning. Or perhaps you want to fast from TV or from your phone to devote yourself to prayer and preparation for Sunday.

6. Invite

Last, make sure you invite someone to come to our Easter Worship Gathering. Having someone with you at Riverwood for the first time helps you see the Easter story in a new, fresh way.


May this weekend be a meaningful time of remembering what Jesus did on our behalf, and celebrate that He had the authority to take up His life on that blessed Sunday morning!

Erin Bird Lead Pastor - Riverwood Church

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Riverwood Church, Waverly Iowa

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