Having an Imago Dei Identity (Imago Dei #2)

Sermon Synopsis

We don’t own ourselves - God owns us. We deserved death, but Jesus took our place on the cross. We were bought with a price and shouldn’t become slaves of man (1 Corinthians 7:23.)

Last week, Erin talked about how we can see the Imago Dei in others because it helps us view others the way we should. This week, however, we are going to look at the Imago Dei in ourselves.

1 Corinthians 7 - Paul says that when you come to Christ, you can remain in your same circumstance and follow him. This doesn’t apply to sinful acts but to life situations such as marriage, job situations, etc.

God has created us and purchased us. That makes us "doubly" his. For reference, we can read the account of Hosea and his wife - we are no different from his wife, Gomer.

Final Question: Of what/who am I a slave?

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