Cheerfully (How to Give #4)

Sermon Synopsis

2 Corinthians 9:7 ends with “for God loves a cheerful giver.” So why is it so hard to give cheerfully? There are many forms of baggage that keep us from giving cheerfully: past legalistic experiences, financial problems, etc. So how do you give cheerfully when there are so many things that cause you to be reluctant?

It is God’s best for us to give cheerfully because he wants to use us to bless the world. God doesn’t need anything - but who does? The poor. We are commanded to give to the poor. This doesn’t just mean materially poor but also relationally poor, emotionally poor, and spiritually poor. In giving in these ways, we reflect the character of God. Watch or listen to this week's sermon to learn more about how to become a cheerful giver.

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