Divided & Restored (Acts #21)

Sermon Synopsis

In this sermon, Pastor Erin shares a powerful story from the book of Acts about division and the importance of giving second chances. The story revolves around Paul and Barnabas, two men who had been on a missionary journey together but ended up parting ways due to a disagreement. The disagreement centered around John Mark, who had abandoned them on a previous journey. Paul was adamant about not giving John Mark a second chance, while Barnabas believed in extending grace and giving him another opportunity.

This story teaches us several important lessons. First, it reminds us of the importance of caring for one another. Paul initially wanted to visit the brothers in the cities they had previously preached in, showing his concern and care for their well-being. However, he failed to extend that same care to John Mark, allowing his past behavior to cloud his judgment. We are called to care for others, even when they have let us down or made mistakes.

Second, this story shows us that divisions and disagreements do not stop the work of God. Despite the split between Paul and Barnabas, God continued to use both of them in powerful ways. Paul later realized his mistake and acknowledged John Mark's value in ministry. God can redeem and restore even the most broken relationships and use them for His glory.

Finally, this story emphasizes the importance of giving second chances. Barnabas saw the potential in John Mark and believed in his ability to grow and serve in ministry. He was willing to take a risk and give him another opportunity. This act of grace and forgiveness allowed John Mark to become a faithful minister and even write the gospel of Mark. We are called to be people of second chances, just as God has given us unlimited chances through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.

Applying the Lessons

So, how do we apply these lessons to our own lives? First, we must strive to care for one another, even when it's difficult. We should seek to understand and empathize with others, extending grace and forgiveness when needed. Second, we must remember that divisions and disagreements do not define us. God can work through even the most broken relationships and use them for His purposes. Finally, we must be people of second chances, willing to forgive and give others the opportunity to grow and change.


The story of Paul, Barnabas, and John Mark reminds us of the power of second chances and the importance of caring for one another. It teaches us that divisions and disagreements do not stop the work of God and that He can redeem and restore even the most broken relationships. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be people of second chances, extending grace and forgiveness to those around us. Let us strive to live out these lessons in our own lives, bringing unity and love to a divided world.

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